ENGR 5263G: Advanced Control

Course Description

This course builds upon the knowledge students have gained in a first control course to cover more materials in advanced control systems. Topics covered will include: a. State variables and state space models: Relations between state space models and the transfer-function models (controllable and observable canonical forms, and diagonal form), Jordan form, solutions of linear state equations, transition matrix. b. Controllability and observability: Definition and criteria, state feedback and output feedback, pole assignment via state feedback, design of servo-controlled systems. c. State estimation and observer: Observer state-variable feedback control. d. Multi-input multi-output (MIMO) systems: Pole assignment via state feedback. Introduction to Linear quadratic regulator (LQR), intelligent control and model predictive control.

Course Outline: Course Outline
Reference Books: Norman S. Nise, Control Systems Engineering, 8th Edition, Wiley, 2019. Link
Clarence W. de Silva, Mechatronics: A Foundation Course, CRC Press, 2010. Link
Katsuhiko Ogata, Modern Control Engineering, 5th Edition, Pearson, 2009. Link
Final Report Template Template
A Sample Report from a Previous Student: Sample

Important Notes:

Lectures Tuesdays Tuesdays: 2:10 pm to 5:00 pm
Midterm Exam November 7th, 2023 In-class
Project Proposal October 2nd, 2023 by 5:00 pm
Proposal Presentation October 3rd, 2023 In-class
Final Presentation Arranged in the last class(es) of the semester (depending on the number of the students)
Final Report December 8th, 2023 by 5:00pm

Course Notes

Item Title Material
Lecture 1 (Sept. 5) Course Overview and Introduction Slides
Lecture 2 (Sept. 12) Review of Classic Control Theory Slides
Lecture 3 (Sept. 19) State Space Modeling Slides Notes
Lecture 4 (Sept. 26) Linear Graph Slides Notes

Proposal Submission (Oct. 2)

by 5:00 pm

through email

Proposal Presentation (Oct. 3)

in class

10-minute presentation

Lecture 5 (Oct. 17) Solution to State-Sapce Model and Stability Slides Notes
Lecture 6 (Oct. 24) Controllability and Observability Slides Notes
Lecture 7 (Oct. 31) Observer and Observer-based Control Slides Notes

Midterm Exam (Nov. 7)

3 hour in-class exam

open book/note exam

Lecture 8 (Nov. 14) Linear Quadratic regulator and Kalman Filter Slides Notes
Lecture 9 (Nov. 21) Other Controller: Intelligent Control Slides

Final Presentation (Nov. 28)


15 minute presentation


Homework 1 Homework 1 Solution
Homework 2 Homework 2 Solution
Homework 3 Homework 3 Solution
Homework 4 Homework 4 Solution
Homework 5 Homework 5 Solution