METE 3350U: Microprocessors and Digital Systems

Course Description

Introduction to digital systems: Boolean algebra; truth tables; combinational logic; logic gates; sequential logic; flipflops, counters, memory circuits; and logic circuit analysis. Basic structure of a computer; assembly-language and high level language programming; machine language and step-by-step instruction execution and debugging; digital I/O; analog to digital conversion; interrupt handling and flow from reset, operating systems; hardware implementation of an addressing map; bus interface and memory timing; state-of-the art microprocessors: features and characteristics.

The detailed topics and content of the course are as follows (subject to change with notice):

  • Introduction to digital systems, Numbers systems, Arithmetic and Codes.
  • Boolean Algebra, Combinational logic: Logic gates, Truth tables
  • Flip flops , Counters, Memory Elements, and Registers.
  • Analysizing and Designing Logic circuits.
  • Basic Structure of Computers and Introduction to Microcontrollers Structured Programming and C-Programming Review.
  • Microcontrollers Structure, Hardware Configuration & Memory Systems Assembly Language Programming.
  • Analog-Digital Interfacing, Clock and Timer System Exceptions – Resets and Interrupts.
  • Communication and peripheral Interface Systems.Microcontroller-based Control Systems.

Course Outline: Course Outline
Textbook: David Harris and Sarah Harris, Digital Design and Computer Architecture, 2nd Edition, Morgan Kaufmann, 2012. Textbook
Note: ***.
Course TA(s): Kavian Khosravinia (Office hours: by appointment throught email:
Omid Ahmadi Khiyavi (Office hours: by appointment throught email:
Lab TA(s): Tyler Parsons (Office hours: by appointment throught email:

Time and Location

Lectures Section 001 Tuesdays: 1:10 pm to 4:00 pm
Thursdays: 1:10 pm to 4:00 pm
Labs Section 002 Mondays: 1:10 pm to 3:00 pm
Section 003 Wednesdays: 1:10 pm to 3:00 pm
Tutorials Section 005 Mondays: 9:10 am to 11:00 am

Course Notes

Item Title Material
Lecture 1 Course Overview and Introduction
Lecture 2 Number Systems
Lecture 3 Logic Gates and Boolean Algebra
Lecture 4 Combinational Logic Design (Part 1)
Lecture 5 Combinational Logic Design (Part 2)
Lecture 6 Sequential Logic Design
Lecture 7 Finite State Machines (Part 1)
Lecture 8 Finite State Machine (Part 2)
Lecture 9 Hardware Description Language
Lecture 10 Arithmetic Circuits
Lecture 11 Number Systems

Midterm Exam

In-class Exam

May 31, 2022 from 1:10 pm to 3:10 pm

Lecture 12 Sequential Buidling Blocks, Memory Arrays and Logic Arrays
Lecture 13 Machine Language
Lecture 14 Assembly Language
Lecture 15 Microarchitecture
Lecture 16 Memory and IO Systems
Lecture 17 Digital System Implementation
Lecture 18 Course Review


Check the lab material on Canvas!


Homework 1 Homework 1
Homework 2 Homework 2
Homework 3 Homework 3
Homework 4 Homework 4
Homework 5 Homework 5