Mechatronic Modeling and Design with Applications in Robotics

Course Description

This course will introduce a unified multi-domain modeling tool, named Linear Graph and its applications. It provides students with the tools required to design, model, analyze and control mechatronic systems; i.e. smart systems comprising electronic, mechanical, fluid and thermal components. The techniques for modelling various system components will be studied in a unified approach developing tools for the simulation of the performance of these systems. A comprehensive example of the modeling and design of a mobile robotic system will be included and discussed.

Students who successfully complete the course should have reliably demonstrated the ability to:

  • Use the basic tools required to design, model, analyze and control mechatronic systems
  • Work with smart systems comprising electronic, mechanical, fluid and thermal components
  • Model a wide variety of system components in a unified way
  • Analyze various components needed to design and control mechatronic systems
  • Apply AI and Machine Learning in advanced design and optimization

Reference Books: Clarence W. de Silva, Mechatronics: A Foundation Course, CRC Press, 2010. Link
Haoxiang Lang, Eric McCormick and Clarence W. de Silva, Appendix B: Matlab Toolbox for Linear Graphs (Modeling of Dynamic Systems with Engineering Applications, 2nd Edition) Download
Reference Articles: Research and Development of a Linear Graph-based Matlab Toolbox. Download
Automated Multi-domain Engineering Design through Linear Graphs and Genetic Programming. arxiv
Dynamic Modeling and Simulation of a Four-wheel Skid-Steer Mobile Robot using Linear Graphs. arxiv
Matlab Toolbox: Linear Graph Matlab Toolbox: gitHub

Course Evaluation:

An take-home exam as the final course deliverable.

Final Take-home Exam:

Course Notes

Item Title Material
Lecture 1 Course Overview and Introduction Slides Notes
Lecture 2 Introduction to Modeling Slides Notes
Lecture 3 Basic Model Elements Slides Notes
Lecture 4 Analytical Modeling (Part 1) Slides Notes

Homework 1

No Due Date

Homework 1 Solution
Lecture 5 Analytical Modeling (Part 2) Slides Notes
Lecture 6 Graphical Models Slides Notes

Homework 2

No Due Date

Homework 2 Solution
Lecture 7 Linear Graph Slides Notes
Lecture 8 & 9 Linear Graph Examples Slides Notes

Homework 3

No Due Date

Homework 3 Solution
Lecture 10 Frequency Domain Models Slides
Lecture 11 Transfer-Function Linear Graph Slides
Lecture 12 AI in Modeling and Design Slides
Lecture 13 Linear Graph Matlab Toolbox and Examples Slides

Homework 4

No Due Date

Homework 4 Solution